6 Things Candidates Look For in a Job Ad

6 Things Candidates Look For in a Job Ad

When writing a job ad, the most important thing to keep in mind is making it interesting and engaging for the potential digital marketing and ecommerce candidates. Only covering the basics may not be enough to attract top digital marketing and ecommerce candidates. You should consider what candidates want to see and the information they require from a job ad. 

Attracting the best digital marketing and ecommerce candidates comes from setting your company apart from others and standing out. To ensure your job ads do this, here are 6 things candidates look for in a job ad.


Salary Range

When hiring candidates, some organisations believe that providing the salary in their job ad could weaken negotiating abilities or show competitors an insight into their rates of pay. However, the advantages of providing a salary range in your digital marketing or ecommerce job ad could outweigh the disadvantages.  

LinkedIn found that 70% of professionals want to see the potential salary in a job ad. SHRM also found 59% of candidates believe that salary is the leading factor that contributes to feeling fulfilled in their career.

In this candidate driven market, people have a lot of choices to consider. They likely do not want to waste their time with a digital marketing or ecommerce job which does not reach their salary standards. It is therefore beneficial to include the salary range in the job ad so candidates can be sure their time and effort applying for the role will be worthwhile.


Good benefits

In an increasingly competitive market, companies need to do everything they can to make themselves and their digital marketing or ecommerce job ad stand out. If a candidate is considering another digital marketing or ecommerce job with a similar salary, they will look beyond the figures and compare the benefits of each company.

Some of the most desirable workplace benefits include flexible working hours, a work from home option, and unlimited paid holiday time. By making your benefits clear, you can ensure you’re a main option to consider for the most in demand digital marketing and ecommerce talent.

Remember, the aim of your job ad should be to entice digital marketing and ecommerce candidates. Rather than simply creating a list of requirements and demands, you should also include reasons why candidates would want to work for you.



If you are looking to fill more senior positions in particular, focusing on your brand can be beneficial. Candidates looking at jobs that pay a high salary value a company’s reputation. 

You should therefore emphasise the reputation of your brand in your digital marketing or ecommerce job ad. For candidates searching for jobs that pay £50k plus, this factor is considered the most important. You could also use employee testimonials to illustrate your company’s solid reputation and  employee satisfaction.

Check out our previous blog Using Social Media to Hire Talent and Build Your Brand.

Ask employees to give recommendations about your company

Ask employees to give recommendations about your company

Company Culture

A study by Harvard Business Review found that millennials most value a work life balance and a positive work culture. Digital marketing and ecommerce candidates will keep their options open and consider multiple opportunities before they choose the job that best suits their lifestyle and goals.

It is therefore important to stand out and make your company culture clear to potential digital marketing and ecommerce candidates. Rather than simply stating ‘we have a great company culture’, consider using current employee testimonials in your job ad or creating a short recruitment video showing a typical day working for your company. This will allow candidates to see for themselves the type of environment they would be working in.

By showing candidates exactly what your company culture is like in your job ad, they can see straight away whether they would be a good fit. Candidates like to have as much information available to them as possible in a job ad. This allows them to compare different opportunities before selecting the perfect fit for them.


Career Prospects

Career prospects will always be an important factor to digital marketing and ecommerce candidates. If your job ad clearly mentions the possibility of long term career progression, candidates are a lot more likely to consider it.

Career progression doesn't just refer to promotions. Digital marketing and ecommerce candidates are also interested in developing their skills through training. Nobody wants themselves or their career to stand still.

There are a lot of ways to promote employee wellbeing and job satisfaction through learning and growth. Providing these opportunities will increase the amount of interest in your digital marketing or ecommerce job ad. Check out our previous blog Developing a Strategy to Attract Top Candidates.



Candidates look for employers who understand the importance of flexibility. Digital marketing and ecommerce candidates want a good work/ life balance. So you should make this prominent your job ad. By being flexible, your employees will benefit from improved morale and a greater level of motivation at work.

To target the right digital marketing and ecommerce candidates, focus on giving them what they want and providing flexibility and lenience in your job ad. Mention remote working, or flexible working hours, or any other benefits you offer that will entice top candidates.

showcase the benefits available to candidates! Can they work from home?

showcase the benefits available to candidates! Can they work from home?

To attract top digital marketing and ecommerce talent, you should keep your job ad fairly brief and include the 6 things mentioned in this blog. If you're still looking for tips on how to make a great job ad, check out our previous blog 9 Tips on Creating The Perfect Job Description to Attract Digital Marketing Talent.